Welcome to the tools of JTSS
Welcome to the introductory page of Jolting Technologies Seminar Series tools.
We will guide you step by step in accessing the online course platform and we will show you in course 0 which tool sets are needed to have a complete JTSS experience.
We decided to use Talent LMS for its simplicity and effectiveness.
Without delay, let’s start following the steps outlined below.
Getting your credentials
Once added to the course by our admins you will receive by email the login information for Jolting LMS

If you haven’t received the email yet, try checking spam or write to support@jolting.co

Accessing the jolting course and moving around the platform
Once you have the login credentials, log in to biox.course.jolting.co

Once logged in, you can change your profile information if you wish.

On the right you will find the various features of the site as well as at the top, in the menu of your profile. There is also a section for messages but it is used for admin communications to users.

Start the course and proceed in to the Units
Once you are accustomed to the platform you can start the course zero which is an introduction to the main tools you will use in this seminar.